Lunes, Setyembre 22, 2014

Essay about Teachers

Everyday, in every doors of each rooms we pass by, we see them teaching the young minds. Everyday, they give a better future on each kid sitting on the armchair, learning how beautiful life is. Every hour, we hear them talking, giving advices, on how to live and dream well. They taught us to be a better person. They taught us the right direction, taught us what is right and what is wrong, gave us knowledge on what life is all about. And may I present you our Teachers, our Everyday Heroes.
They play a big and important role in our community as well as in our lives. They gave us their time, to learn and to develop emotionally, mentally and socially. Sometimes, when our parents are away, we can always run to their shoulders, and cry, ask for their ears to hear our heartbeats.They molded us, through their loving and caring hands. Loved us like more than anything else. They helped us to be strong, strong like rocks and to stand up everytime we fall, and sometimes, when we stumble in our way to our dreams, they are there beside us, ready to lend their arms, to help us stand up and learn that life is not easy, not a fantasy instead a reality. Teachers are sort of wake up call, they make us realize that life is a game, sometimes you win and sometime you lose.
If we'll only look deeply into their hearts, we will see how beautiful their hearts are. We will be able to understand why they are here in this world. They are here not only to teach us, but to care and love us. Because without their love and care, no one in this world would bother to teach us and no one among us will know how to develop healthily. No one in this world would know how to read, to read others feelings towards us, how to write, to write the things we could not say and compute, to multiply the good things we did.
Without them, we are nothing. Without them, we know nothing. Without them we will never be someone we aim to be. Because without them, our way to victory is dark and empty.

Teachers Shape Our Future

This is my Hero

My Teacher My Hero

They teach us how to add and subtract

Thank You Teachers

Essay about Teachers

   What else can we think of when teachers are mentioned? Their understanding, hardships, advices and care for us students. And of course, lectures, new lessons, quizzes and assignments! Those memories when they came about to tell stories and jokes with us students. Their “sermons” to us during times when we were disobedient, or lazy to pass our assignments. It’s their continuous patience and hard works for us that make them our hero.

What could be in a school without our teachers? There would be no students as well that in fact, students will not be able to go to school and learn what they are supposed to learn. There will be ignorance. Having our teachers we were able to learn and understand things easier and quicker. Because of their teachings a lot of people have reached and accomplished their goals in life.

Teachers don’t only teach theories to us but they are also sources of moral teachings. Inside and outside the campus, our teachers are our models. In relation to health and wellness, the teacher is expected to have and project a good state of both mental and physical health. Teachers are treasures in our society; let us help them be at their best so that they too can help bring out the best in our children, in their students.

Our second parents, our teachers have helped a lot in the contribution of our success. They will forever be a treasure. This teacher’s day was a good way of expressing gratitude to our beloved teachers whom are the reason why we have accomplished most of what we have accomplished until the present. However, we should not only express our warmest thanks to our teachers during the 5th day of the month of October but it should always be done. Thank you teachers! We love you!

My Teacher

     Do you know that heroes don't always dress in a superhero suit?A hero can wear anything and they can be as simple as we are.Everyone can be a hero, not necessarily save lives but we can be heroes on our own way.But did you know that heroes are hard to find?I found my hero and she is a teacher.

My teacher is a hero because she teaches me a lot.She is supportive and very sincere.She is very nice and fun to be with.Sometimes she is like my mom because she is someone who can understand me.She is like a star in the night guiding my way not to be lost and became a better person.She always teaches us a good moral lesson.Like a hero,my teacher always helps me whenever i have problems in our subject especially in Math and she will sincerely help me with no doubt.A hero is someone who helps people.Even though I'm in high school now,she will still noticed me and invited me with my friend in their house to eat because for me a hero is someone who doesn't change.I really like my teacher.For me,she is the best teacher that I ever had.When we're acting for the role,when I was elementary and I was too shy that time.She hugged and comforted me and she said that you can do it.For me, she is the only teacher who hugged me just to help me relax. And even though I said I can't and I don't have any experience regarding that contest but still she always encouraged me. That is the best thing that my teacher has.She pulls her students up and helps them rise whenever they are down. I admire her for that. I know that being a teacher is really hard because you will always meet people with different faces and attitudes that can really make you tired. Though that is her case, she always give her leisure time to us just to have conversation and tell some stories with her on many things. She is really a positive person. She is so friendly not only with me but to other's also. She always smile and laugh whenever we have jokes to tell. She may not be like those superheroes on television who have super powers,but for me she is not only a superhero but a friend that can be trusted. She will always be my superhero and she will always be the best teacher in the world no matter what.
            All teachers can be a hero if they have determination,patience,courage and dedication to work that can really inspire students. A hero is not only famous and seen on television because you can be a hero on your simple way.

I Love my Teacher